Last November, Tom Körting held a VERMONA-workshop at SchneidersLaden in Berlin. The corresponding video is now online.
Filtered list by tag 'uniCYCLE'
Schneidersladen workshop now online
uniCYCLE-osczillator audio samples
Last year we released our eurorack oscillator uniCYCLE. We think it's about time for some audio samples. Read about and listen to them.
NAMM 2018
The new year has just begun and the NAMM Show casts its shadow before. Next week, from January 25th to 28th, the Anaheim Convention Center opens its doors for makers of pro-audio-equipment, instruments and sound machines.
uniCYCLE and quadroPOL
uniCYCLE and quadroPOL extend our current eurorack product range. The first one is a classic oscillator whereas the latter is a voltage controlled polarizer. Both modules come with elegant VERMONA black and have a width of 10 HP.
NAMM 2017
We packed our suitcases and are on our way to NAMM 2017 in Anahaim. During the last months we are busy building ’14 Analogsynthesizers but still found some time to create some new eurorack modules.