
’14 Analogsynthesizer - State of affairs

How time flies. It dates back to January 2015, when we presented a first prototype of our ’14 Analogsynthesizer at the NAMM show. We also showed the unit on this year’s winter NAMM as well as on Superbooth 16 (1), along with an announced delivery date for this summer. Well, the summer slowly ends... but where is the ’14 Analogsynthesizer?

Previous history

Last year, we were happy celebrating our company’s 25th anniversary. VERMONA is an important part of this – a brand we revived in 2001 by introducing the DRM1 (2). To celebrate this jubilee year, we planned for something special: an uncompromising instrument, handmade in our Elektroakustischen Manfaktur: The ’14 Analogsynthesizer.

Much too early, Bernd Haller (3), the company’s co-founder, experienced engineer of electronics and passionate musician, deceased early in the same year. All of a sudden we had to rethink our plans and projects. We decided to postpone the synthesizer-project for the time being.

Current status

We revisited the project early this year and have now reached the exciting stage.

The ’14 Analogsynthesizer is no of-the-peg-instrument. Each unit is carefully manufactured by hand and needs its time to reach completion. From mid October on, we will accept first orders and start delivery in November. More details about the order process, scope of delivery, pricing and unit limitations will be announced early in October.

Since the first public appearance of the ’14 Analogsynthesizer, we consistently receive requests for this instrument. We thank you for your patience and your persistence. The wait is soon over and we assure, it was worthwhile!

Your VERMONA crew from the
Elektroakustischen Manufaktur, Erlbach

  1. Our Superbooth 16 quick review
  2. DRM1 MKIII product page
  3. local press newspaper article about the Bernd Haller and the ’14 Analogsynthesizer (German)