
NAMM 2018

The new year has just begun and the NAMM Show casts its shadow before. Next week, from January 25th to 28th, the Anaheim Convention Center opens its doors for makers of pro-audio-equipment, instruments and sound machines. VERMONA again will share booth # 10706 with ALEX4, Doepfer and other friends of the branch. Read here about our new products and prototypes.

What is VERMONA showing?

You probably noticed that we worked with great attention on extending our range of eurorack products during the last months. In 2017 we released the twinVCFilter with its extension module, uniCYCLE and quadroPOL to cover the more basic functions of a modular synthesizer system. With these you now can build up a synthesis path using only VERMONA.

At NAMM 2018 we also focus on presenting eurorack-based equipment. Beside our already existing modules we will show some fancy functions for eurorack based systems.

New VERMONA modules at NAMM 2018
Rhythm and Melody

The first highlight in our Modular Case is randomRHYTHM that we already showed at last year's NAMM. It generates rhythm sequences by combining randomness with a manual set parameters. randomRHYTHM will be available right after we left Anaheim.

It is not randomness that we will also show a first prototype of a sequencer we internally call the meloDICEr. It creates random-based melodies while you are setting the probability of individual notes, range as well as note- and rest-lengths to influence the results. Almost by chance we implemented a mode that makes the meloDICEr a flexible and easy-to-operate quantiser.

Plenty of shapes

At Superbooth 2017 we presented a quad-envelope-generator. Of course we will show that at NAMM as well. Each of its four channels can be triggered individually as Attack-, Hold- or Decay-envelope or be combined with the next channel to generate more complex shapes. Attack and Decay can run with linear or exponential characteristic and you can manually adjust them within a range of 500 microseconds up to 30 seconds. By using an external control-voltage the time can dramatically be shortened or increased. If you want you can get a shape that needs more than two hours (per channel) to reach its end!

The status of quad-envelope-generator is final but we still have no name for it. Do you have any ideas? You can share it with us by sending an email, using our contact form or send a tweet with hashtag #findanameforquadenvelope.

Noise and crosspoints

There are two more module prototypes in a very early development state:

  1. A noise generator with five different colors as well as an additional morphable output.
  2. A programmable crosspoint switch with 16 in- and outputs.
’14 Analogsynthesizer at NAMM 2018

Eurorack is only one part of VERMONA. That's why we present the flagship of our stand-alone-range, the ’14 Analogsynthesizer. You can play it at our booth and tell us about your impression.

Last year we manufactured about the half of the planned 222 instruments with skilled craftsmanship. So we still have a lot to do in 2018. This however, is what we love to do beside making eurorack-based products.

We reached the end of our little preview to NAMM 2018. If you are there, please stop by and say hello at booth # 10706. Swen and Thomas are looking forward to have interesting conversations, meet old friends and make new ones.

We now will have to pack our bags and hopefully don't forget anything. See you in sunny California.

Your VERMONA crew from the
Elektroakustischen Manufaktur, Erlbach