
Filtered list by tag 'fourMulator'

Schneidersladen workshop now online

We use video content from Vimeo here. If you load this video, your user data will be transferred to this external service.

Last November, Tom Körting held a VERMONA-workshop at SchneidersLaden in Berlin. The corresponding video is now online.

VERMONA workshop at SchneidersLaden

Tom Körting und VERMONA

We are pleased to announce our first workshop at SchneidersLaden in Berlin for this weeks Thursday, November 15th.

fourMulator video again

We use video content from YouTube here. If you load this video, your user data will be transferred to this external service.

[Translate to Englisch:]

At first glance, the fourMulator is a well-structured, four-channel LFO module with handy knobs and a lot of connectors. Of course, that’s what it is! With its extensive sync- and trigger-features it is a creative and complex sequencer as well.

Homepage, Youtube und fourMulator

We use video content from YouTube here. If you load this video, your user data will be transferred to this external service.

[Translate to Englisch:]

We made a brand-new homepage, started a YouTube-channel and our fourMulator plays the star role.